Well, Hello There!

I'm so glad you came to visit my cottage.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Just having a quiet day today. We had the granddaughters over for egg hiding on Friday, so nothing big is going on today.  Tomorrow we'll be back to working on the cottage and getting a birdhouse order ready for delivery.  I'll post photos when we finish them.  Using found materials and salvaged architectural items to enhance their decor.

We did get the kitchen bar in (can you say hernia?! LOL) so with baby steps we are making progress.  I'll be milking soon so as usual I'm having to go to plan B to get things up and running.  But... oh that milk is going to be sooo good!  Can't wait to make cheese and goat milk's soap. Three does have kidded with 4 bucks and 1 doe born. It's rather diappointing to have so many bucks again, but at least I can sell them and that will help with the feed bill.  It is just the sweetest thing to have baby goats to cuddle. Can't stay mad or depressed when holding a baby goat. They are the best anti-depressants I know of. :>)

I have hoards of baby pumpkins. The blooms are awesome!  We are already harvesting veggies from the raised beds (cedar tree slices for borders, lasagna style layering, with rabbit and goat berries mixed in for feeding the plants. When the new cinder block beds are in, we should be able to grow a fair amount of our own food.  Progress is slow, but oh so sweet!

Remember to get down and get dirty... grow something!! TTFN

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