Well, Hello There!

I'm so glad you came to visit my cottage.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Sometimes Ya Just Gotta Chill

The last few weeks have hence become a blurr.  I've been making items for our church booth at the ladies conference (which I have to brag that we made $1500 for the new tabernacle!!!) and then it's choir practice getting ready for the Easter program, so there's been little time to spare.  Ahhh, but today my friends is 'down' day and I'm enjoying every minute of it. Just puttering around doing odd jobs that's needed doing for such a long time and even though I've been dreading them it's such a relief to finally see the end of it.  Well the end until it needs doing again. Don't you just hate housework when there's so many prims that could be created?  Friday and Saturday I have declared as creating prims day! It's official! I'm going to be listing new prims on Monday if I have to call a guard to stand over me to make sure I produce. :>)

There's an abundance of goat milk to 'play' with now so hopefully I will get the kitchen installed into the cottage soon.  The cottage has taken a back seat to so many other things that I've almost lost hope that it will be this year when it's finished. Aw, well, what else do I have to do but sit and dream up stuff for my honey to do. He's a keeper!!

It's time to make bread for the week, so during your busy schedule, take time to be joyful for this is the day the Lord has made!

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