I'm thankful for today's bounty. We will be eating fresh
squash, aparagus beans, bell peppers, and assorted lettuce tonight for dinner.
What I'm most thankful for is being able to grow it ourselves. Watching something grow and then produce to me is one of life's greatest pleasures. World, go ahead with your indulgences of cappaccinos, escargo, caviar, and file mignon, but give me a garden that grows from the loving care of a homesteader any day! My indulgence doesn't require fancy china or a crystal serving dish. This simple pleasure is served up on a jadeite plate with an old red wood handled collectible fork with a freezer canning jar filled with iced tea. (photo soon!) Add all of the above to the garden table laid out with a red checked table cloth under a very aged raibow striped umbrella surrounded by blooming flowers and in my opinion there's magic happening. Friend, it just doesn't get much better than this for this country girl.
Aaahhhh! I AM blessed!
Romeo and Juliette are thriving and growing like weeds. It seems they grow an inch each day. As my Granny use to say I may have to "put a brick on their head" to keep them small so the enjoyment of them being young and loving lasts longer. One thing is for certain, we do need to get a bigger water pan for them and soon!
Aren't these sweet faces worthy of a smile?! They follow me around all over the yard and diligently keep bugs off me when I am hanging out clothes.
Some of the later blooming daylilies are gracing my farm with a showing this morning. And what a show it is!
This dwarf daylily is a production giant among daylilies. It never fails to please me and just keeps giving all through the summer. I would have to look up it's true name, but I call this one Baby Face. I like naming things.
I had a visitor this morning on the large peach lily. He was a hefty guy and seemed to be enjoying his visit.
Please pardon my mess, but doesn't it always take chaos before creating order and beauty? The pot lady still lacks her gloves and boots, but I have to wait until the porch is finished and the bed in front to be prepared before giving her the final touches. You can also see the many shipping boxes I keep for my online business. I simply must organize those better and maybe keep them in the loft which will keep them more out of sight. OR I could just put a curtain on the windows and you won't see it. LOL I will be so glad when the porch is finished, but I will say I already have my garden table up on what is there. I just couldn't wait!
Just one more photo of the daylilies and I'll be done for today... maybe! I call this one Joli shortened from Rouge de Joli.
And that's all for now. I know I will be back soon... the zinnias are about to bloom!